Many businesses have been encouraging staff to work from home (at least some of the time) during the pandemic, and for many people this has become ‘the new norm’.
Can hybrid working (office and remote working) be ‘the new norm’ once Covid restrictions have been fully removed?
There are pros and cons with both office and home/remote working. (Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters)
Working from home has some benefits:
- Studies have found that people can be more productive when working from home.
- Less travel to work means cost savings, less congestion, and less air pollution.
- Empty offices don’t need heating.
This needs to be balanced with some of the downsides:
- It can be harder to manage the team.
- As people are no longer mixing, they may start to feel isolated and unsupported.
- Cyber security can become an issue.
Our experiences over the last 2 years has shown that working from home can cause numerous problem including:
- Trying to access IT systems using unprotected (often shared/BYOD) laptops and PCs.
- Downloading unauthorised software that purports to make the user ‘more productive’.
- Vulnerability to phishing and other cyber attacks.
- Increased risk of security and data breaches.
We understand that working from home can be a good thing for the business and team. We also recognise that need IT systems need to be protected. To this end we are offering a complementary in-depth IT consultation with one of our expert Trichromic Partners to our customers. This review will:
- Scope out the business challenges you’re facing.
- Review your software, devices, red tape, cybercrime vulnerabilities and team performance.
- Provide a tailored IT Action Plan.
Give you clarity on why and when you should fix, improve, or manage existing systems.
If you would like to speak with one of our team to get a better understanding of the challenges you are facing and what you can do to mitigate them, please call us on:
020 3327 0310
Or send us an enquiry via our website at: